Science Week
Grade 3/4’s has been writing and watching B.T.N, which
stands for Behind The News. One of the episodes we have watched talked about Science
Week. Primary school students Ella and Gigi from another school were investigating
as to why onions make you cry. Another student, William also had an
investigation as to why is seaweed brown.
Our Grade 3/4 class loves watching BTN and if you too would
like to find out these answers then visit our Grade 3/4 Wiki and select the 3rd
term B.T.N. and click on the website.
By Irene!!!!!

They wanted to compete for a sport called pentathlon, events
that are necessary for soldier to enlist in the army. The events include running,
swimming, shooting, horse riding and fencing. The brother and sister are really
good at it.
Following this we had to answer five questions after we had
watched it working with a partners. The people who had the best work had it
copied onto the quality work wall.
By Laurie, 3/4 B

In third week of BTN we watched news about 70th anniversary of the first nuclear bomb attacked in Japan in Hiroshima, which was in World War II. It also old told us about a little girl who experienced the 1st nuclear bomb. Her name was Sadako.
By Mubasshir
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