Last Thursday a group of students in grade 3/4 and 5/6
competed in a netball tournament in Parkville at the Netball Centre. We competed against
seven other schools from all around Melbourne. The first game we drew, the
second game we won, the next four games we lost and in our last game we drew.
For the first few games our team played on the surrounding outside courts. It was wet
and it was cold - a few of the students on both teams slipped. After the first few games we moved to the inside courts where it was
much warmer and drier.
My position was Goal Defence (GD), the job is to defend the Goal Attack (GA) from scoring goals. I also played Centre (C) where I had to make sure the
ball moved towards our end. I swapped with my sister every half so we could
learn different netball positions and skills.
It was so much fun but really tiring. I liked learning
netball skills from the older students and my coach.
Hi guys its Aliah here the story of the netball tournament got me entertained and I liked it when I played as long as we lost won and drew we still participated in it from Aliah (: 0: ):