Monday, 10 August 2015

Living Things

Is it a living thing?

The activity ‘Is it a Living thing?’ required us to classify living and non-living things. We made a poster of non-living and living things based on their characteristics. We classified these items as: 

  • Does it move? 
  • Does it grow?
  • Does it respire?

What we learnt: From this activity we learnt that items we first thought were non-living were in fact once living. For example, a wooden table was once living because it originated from a tree. This activity also taught us new words and their meanings such as respire.

In this activity we had to work in pairs and to use the '4Cs':  

  1. Communication 
  2. Collaboration 
  3. Creativity 
  4. Critical Thinking
My partner and I achieved this by taking turns and listening to each other’s ideas.

What I enjoyed: I enjoyed working in pairs because we got to work with our friends and work collaboratively. I also enjoyed thinking about and creating our own living and non-living things. Decorating and colouring in our poster was very enjoyable. I enjoyed that our work got put up around the classroom for every one to see.

By Jennifer            

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